Weekly reflections

Week 2- During this time I had realized that the corrections that would be made on my drafts were very silly mistakes. Looking over it would allow me to realize that if I took a little more time to self reflect I could have avoided making these corrections after. I usually just write something and then leave it at that but after seeing how I made mistakes I realized that I should be looking back at my work and double checking it. Im trying to organize my time best that I can in order to have the strongest writing pieces I could make. Not only is it hard to keep track with so many things, I must remind myself to stay ontop of everything. Looking back at the week it wasn’t difficult it just has to get done. Being specific is easy but occasionally I forget because in my mind its common sense.

Week 4- I have made an effort to make sure that this review meets the standards needed to receive a passing grade. This essay’s main goal is to give an in-depth study of the subject matter that is purely factual. I hope that through working on this project, I will improve my writing abilities and become more used to the rules of writing product reviews.

Week 5- I’ve found it beneficial to analyze the rhetorical context of my student portfolio to determine what I ought to write. This technique can be used for any kind of writing since, in general, knowing why you’re writing keeps you on track and makes the next thing I write flow more effortlessly because I already know what has to be said. It hasn’t necessarily been tough to write with a tone in mind, but it has been challenging nonetheless. Since each project will force me to employ a different tone and will be excellent practice, I aim to keep this in mind for next projects.

Week 6- I found writing a lab report analysis to be a very challenging and complicated task. The amount of data that needed to be interpreted was staggering. I noticed that I was carefully going through every bit of data and looking for trends and connections. It was necessary to do additional research since certain data points were inconsistent or conflicting, adding to the complexity. The statistical analysis stage presented unique difficulties. It was difficult for me to understand ideas like p-values and hypothesis testing, and I sometimes felt as like I was stumbling through a maze of mathematics. It was challenging to select the appropriate statistical techniques and correctly interpret the findings. My need to become acquainted with statistical tools added even another level of complication. Despite the challenges, I understood the need of accurate statistical analysis. 

Week 7- On a personal level, I found learning technical writing skills to be very simple. Entering the world of technical writing felt like a natural match for someone who has always appreciated structuring ideas and articulating them effectively. I learned that the methodology used in technical writing is logical and systematic, which complemented my meticulous thinking. The accessible tools, such as style manuals and writing manuals, offered precise instructions and examples that made it simpler to understand the fundamentals of successful technical writing. I also benefited from the criticism and advice of mentors and peers, which helped me improve my writing. I improved my capacity to communicate intricate scientific ideas in a way that was understandable to a larger audience as I gained experience. 

Week 9- My group and I were doing well even though we were perplexed on what to write about. I think we were all less stressed after we became more active on our what’sapp group chat. 

Week 10- This assignment was a bit annoying to me because I didn’t know what object to choose.  I had to define my product from an engineering perspective, including identifying parts and components  in sufficient detail to enable duplication of the product’s production.  Technical descriptions was the only goal of this assignment. I worked my hardest in order to achieve my goal.